Project 52

This last year I came across a fabulous Mommy-photographer-DIYer-and all around great person that opened my eyes to the Project 52 idea. Thank you Shawna from styleberryblog. What a beautiful way to chronicle the year and share the feelings that only motherhood can open your soul to. I want my daughter to know what joy she brings into our lives and the lessons she teaches us. I don't want to miss one minute of it or let these sweet memories fade. This is for you Aubrey... My daughter, my joy, and my life.

StyleberryBlog , Paint the Moon, Lucas and Mahina

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Project 52:13 | happy

 Waiting for Daddy to bait her hook and take her fishing.
Smiling because she's about to go on the boat.
Happy because she has her Dora fishing pole... And she knows how to use it.


  1. So cute :) We just took our 2 year old fishing for the first time and she loved it.

  2. Awww! I love all the "firsts". It was hilarious because she asked me if she could touch her fish. The look on her face when she did was priceless. She was sooo over that part.

  3. I learned to fish with my dad too! Hope she will have as many great memories as I do of fishing.
